This is big.
One because of the letter and its contents. Dutch MPs will have a field day with that.
Two because this doesn't seem a letter to all elders, so there's a serious leak in the org.
Anders Andersen
JoinedPosts by Anders Andersen
Secret documents from WHQ: JWs do everything to avoid reporting CSA
by jochie in have seen the documents myself but i am not able to share them without jeopardizing the source.the rtl broadcasting company has spoken to the orginal source and we know that these documents are real..
Anders Andersen
King of The North: circular news top?
by Gorbatchov infriends,.
with the circular speading of my satire tread about the annual meeting on many different ways, even informal across the jw organization, i'm pretty sure that the news about russia (new king of the north) is not real.. there was a moment i thought that it was a coïncidence that incoming messages mentioned it also.. now i suppose it started all with my op, went trending through the organization (even through bethel belgium) and became a story on it's own.. this is not realy my style and i'm not proud of it.. g..
Anders Andersen
Some say it was announced at the AGM though.
My PIMI NIECE AND HER husband attended the AGM and it was made OFFICIAL -Russia is now the king of the North because they have been taking the lead in persecuting "God's people"- those poor Russians everyone has it in for them lately!!!..
King of The North: circular news top?
by Gorbatchov infriends,.
with the circular speading of my satire tread about the annual meeting on many different ways, even informal across the jw organization, i'm pretty sure that the news about russia (new king of the north) is not real.. there was a moment i thought that it was a coïncidence that incoming messages mentioned it also.. now i suppose it started all with my op, went trending through the organization (even through bethel belgium) and became a story on it's own.. this is not realy my style and i'm not proud of it.. g..
Anders Andersen
@AverageJoe: please state page number or provide a quote.
The book does not mention 'Russia' even once. 'Soviet' in mentioned once but only in the context of WWII.
'King of the North' is mentioned 8 times but he is not identified.
The book suggest that the attack of the King of the North is the same as the attack of Gog of Magog and the attack of the Assyrians though.
So as far as I can see the book doesn't say Russia is King of the North at all...
What happened to the "New World Order"?
by stuckinarut2 inso as a child and youth growing up as a witness, (i'm 43 now) we often heard the expression "new world order".. the society just doesnt use that expression anymore.
so what was the reasoning behind them amending that expression?.
Anders Andersen
The term NWO is now commonly used by nutcase conspiracy theorists who believe worldwide governments are controlled by hidden behind the scenes powers (Illuminati etc).
JW firmly believe almost the same, but in their mind the behind the scenes power is Satan, not the Illuminati.
Of course JW want to distance themselves from such insane nutcrackery as believing in Illuminati. (Lol)
So they no longer use the term NWO, lest anyone be confused about the specifics of the conspiracy and think JW are nutcrackers too.
They do a similar thing when it comes to creationism. They know denying scientific facts is silly, therefore they try hard to distance themselves from 'creationism', conveniently omitting that they are very much creationists themselves too. In reality the difference between Young Earth Creationism and Young Humans Creationism is moot, but JW blow it up as big as possible.
JW just know people think they're crazy, and try to limit being identified with other crazies.
A gem from the new school book
by Anders Andersen inuse sources properly.
apply scriptures in harmony with their context, the bible’s overall message, and the publications of “the faithful and discreet slave.” (matt.
in other words, if you happen to discover how our doctrines are contradicted by the bible, don't use those verses.. use secular sources in accord with the original context and the intent of the writer.. .
Anders Andersen
Use sources properly. Apply scriptures in harmony with their context, the Bible’s overall message, and the publications of “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Matt. 24:45)
In other words, if you happen to discover how our doctrines are contradicted by the Bible, don't use those verses.
Use secular sources in accord with the original context and the intent of the writer.
Surely they must be joking. What an insane level of hypocrisy.
'You who preaches to quote secular sources fairly, do you quote out of context?'
The Netherlands - Upcoming peaceful protest to commemorate the effect of sexual abuse in closed communities such as JW (october 6th)
by Anders Andersen infacebook event link here.
translation of the dutch event description:.
foundation reclaimed voices organizes a peaceful protest to commemorate the effects of sexual abuse within closed religious communities such as jehovah's witnesses.. the location of the protest offers room to about 200 people.
Anders Andersen
Emmen is only an hour drive for me, but with a very much pimi wife I can't afford to go.
Let us know how it went?
No Watchtower shipment
by LevelThePlayingField init was announced at our clam that there "was no shipment of the october study editions of the watchtower" and that they were asking if people could just use electronic or make their own copies.. is this just happening in ohio, or did you hear the same thing?.
Anders Andersen
you'd think they'd have their own couriers delivering for free wouldnt you?
Aren't they actually moving away from that? Afaik they started using commercial parcel services in the UK?
Funeral/Memorial at the Kingdom Hall ... Would you go?
by Wild_Thing inlet's say an aunt or uncle dies.
let's say you barely knew them.. let's say their memorial service was held at the kingdom hall.. let's say if you attend, you have to deal with shunning from family and jws, and you are forced listen to them present their paradise promotional materials, and the dead person's "earthly hope™", and let's face it ... the heeby-jeebies of having to be in a kingdom hall again.. would you put yourself through it?
Anders Andersen
Recently the JW mom of an exjw friend died. I knew her as we were all in the same congregation. I like and respect both of my friend's parents and his siblings. His brother (is still very much a JW too) used to be my friend.
I went to the condolence 'meeting' at the funeral home on Monday evening. And I went to the KH propaganda talk on Wednesday.
Yes, I very much dislike that propaganda talk. Yet there are quite a few reasons for me to go anyway:
- Support my exjw friend, who would be in the KH with his pimi wife and family.
- Support my pimi wife.
- Show the JW I know I'm not miserable nor afraid of them.
As expected the talk sucked. I'm happy the deceased had arranged for her actual funeral to be a friends and family only private event outside the kh, where friends and children spoke about personal memories.
Even my wife thought the talk was just an impersonal advertisement that wasn't fitting the deceased, nor the partly nonjw audience.
I stayed in the KH quite long afterwards. Some people came to me to chat (I was pinned down by a sleeping daughter). Some people notably didn't. Some did that strange hug that means "my JW brainwashed conscience doesn't allow me to actually speak to you, but my humanity compels me do do something loving and acknowledge you anyway".
Anyway my exjw friend very much appreciated me being there, and that's most important to me.
Oh, and I accidentally poured coffee on a chair in the auditorium. Oops.
Are there less BOE letters?
by neat blue dog init seems there used to be a new boe letter leaked all the time, besides videos, etc.
have the leaks been plugged?.
Anders Andersen
Watchtower has mostly replaced BOE letters with monthly memo's in which they combine all the nonsense. -
by Freedom rocks indoes anyone else feel overwhelmed on what to believe?.
i've been doing lots of research on beliefs, evolution, creationism but i feel no further forward about what i truly believe.
for example i looked at the fossil record and tiktaalic and thought great it proves a lot but then i've seen counter arguments on youtube of people basically saying its a load of rubbish and doesn't prove anything.
Anders Andersen
To add: think about what process you appear to trust when it comes to technology, food, medicine, etc. Why suddenly distrust that process when it comes to geology, biology, paleontology, etc.?